National Voter Registration Day
Your vote is your power. We know that the best way to get someone to try something new is to hear it from trusted
Your vote is your power. We know that the best way to get someone to try something new is to hear it from trusted
By: Senate President Don Harmon From Chicago to Cairo and everywhere in between, Illinois is the proverbial heart of the Labor movement. This state’s
60 Days. Two months. That’s it. Election Day is November 3rd, but 1.3 million Illinoisans have already requested their vote by mail application. That is record breaking
Follow Illinois Senate Democrats (ISDF) on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. The United States Postal Service is a public service — period. It was written into the Constitution and established by the
The ban on evictions in Illinois has been extended until late September as public health experts warn the state is among the areas of the
A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website (www.elections.il.gov) or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.